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Main Idea Ice Cream Cones

cookie jar.png
waffle cone roller.png

* This is an item that can be bought
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Read the text below. Answer the questions on your worksheet by selecting the correct main idea from the choices given.

Waffle Maker Opened.png

      Chocolate chip cookies were invented by
accident! Ruth Graves Wakefield, the creator

of the cookie, wanted to make some cookies
for the guests that stayed at her and her
husband’s inn. She wanted to make
Chocolate Butter Drop Do cookies. But she
realized as she started baking that she was
out of baking chocolate! She decided to chop up a chocolate bar instead, believing that the pieces of the chocolate would melt into the cookie dough. It didn’t. The chocolate chunks stayed, giving the world its first taste of chocolate chip cookies!


Collect the waffle
you made when you're
ready to move on.

Waffle Maker flat cooked waffle cone.png
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