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Main Idea Ice Cream Cones

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* This is an item that can be bought
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Read the text below. Answer the questions on your worksheet by selecting the correct main idea from the choices given.

Waffle Maker Opened.png

        Foot-binding was a Chinese practice. Women
would bind their feet from a young age to make
their feet smaller. To keep their feet from growing,
the women would wrap their feet in cloth. The ideal
foot size was 3 inches, which is the size of a
crayon. This foot was called the "lotus foot". Chinese
women believed that smaller feet would make them
more beautiful, which would make it easier to find a
husband, but the practice was extremely painful and dangerous. Feet that were bound were painful to walk on. These smaller feet also had a greater chance of getting infections and sores. It was harder for women to balance
   and walking would have been a constant struggle - and not just because
       it would hurt.

foot binding.png

Collect the waffle
you made when you're
ready to move on.

Waffle Maker flat cooked waffle cone.png
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