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Haunted Mansion - Living Room.png
Text Box3.png
Doll 5_NB.png

Read the sentence(s) on
your screen (pay close attention to the
color in the box behind the text and question).
Write the correct answer's letter in the
correct box on your worksheet.

OLd paper.png

"He'd.. realize
he missed big,

OLd paper.png

"...he couldn't
seem to keep
his eyes open!"

OLd paper.png

"...Riley watched
the movie..."

Text Box2_edited_edited_edited.png


While Riley watched the
movie, he couldn't seem to keep
his eyes open! He'd wake up only to
realize that he'd missed big, important
scenes, only to be absolutely clueless
about what was happening. 

Which piece of text evidence BEST proves
that Riley didn't find the movie interesting?

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